Course in Ayurvedic Massage & Allied Panchakarma Therapies
Duration: 3 weeks (75 hours) Theory + Practical
- Introduction to Ayurved
- Basic principles of Ayurved
- Introduction to anatomy & physiology
- History of Ayurvedic Massage
- Techniques of Ayurvedic Massage
- Types of Ayurvedic Massage
- Introduction to Allied Panchakarma Therapies: Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Shiro-mukhabhyanga, Padabhyanga, Karnapuran, Kati basti, Manyabasti, Udarbasti, Hrudbasti, Netra basti, Janubasti,Pindasweda, Patra pottalisweda, Janu-dhara, Udwartan, Gharshan, Lepa.
- Herbs & herbal formulations for Ayurvedic massage & Allied Panchakarma Therapies